





















  北京外国语大学 (北京市西三环北路2号)


  1. 个人参会发言需提交300-500字摘要(发言人姓名、单位、联系方式需另做附件一并发送)至 gstisymposium2019@163.com,截止日期 2019年7月15日,将于2019年8月16日前通知结果。

  2. 分论坛企划书(包括分论坛题目,300-500字分论坛主题介绍,分论坛主持人姓名、单位和简介,分论坛各发言人姓名)需发送至gstisymposium2019@163.com,截止日期2019年7月30日,将于2019年8月23日前通知结果。

  3. 普通参会者请扫描下方二维码填写报名表,报名截止日期2019年8月31日。

  4. 研讨会会务费为1000元/人,在校研究生凭研究生证会务费减半。会务费用于会议期间的工作午餐费、资料费等。使用公务卡的老师可进行现场缴费。

  5. 参会者交通、住宿费用自理。会务组推荐会场周边宾馆,供参会者选择并自行预订。推荐宾馆包括:皇苑酒店、万年青宾馆、中协宾馆等。





  An International Conference on

 “Translator and Interpreter Education in 

  the New Era: Innovations in Research, 

  Practice and Training”

  hosted by Beijing Foreign Studies University

  October 19-20, 2019

  Call for Papers

  Translator and Interpreter Education is now embracing a new era, which is characterized by rapid digital and technological revolution, and boosted by various development programs such as the “Belt and Road Initiative” in the Chinese context and the global trend of promoting equality, mobility and diversity. New technologies increase the speed and breadth of knowledge turnover, change the very nature of language communication, causing adjustment in every aspect of who says what, to whom, via what platform, for what purpose and with what effect. These developments interact in increasingly complex and pivotal ways with cross-border economic, social and cultural contacts and demographic shifts, which are caused by economic globalization, changing social structures and patterns of mobility, environmental crises, and other factors. Against this backdrop, T&I education at the national and international levels faces both challenges and prospects in terms of skill sets and role sets that are required of translators and interpreters, their employability and working context diversity, course design, teaching pedagogy, assessment and so on. To be more specific, T&I researchers are faced with new and often cross-disciplinary fields of inquiry; practitioners, with the need to adopt novel skills and approaches; trainers, to adjust their educational plan and train students for working in a rapidly changing landscape of digital technology and cross-cultural communicative contexts; and finally students, with the ever increasing demand of being professional, versatile and adaptive.

  The international conference on “Translator and Interpreter Education in the New Era: Innovations in Research, Practice and Training” is designed to reflect upon the innovative approaches in research, practice and training that are associated with this changing landscape.

  We invite original research papers for presentation related but not limited to the following sub-themes:

  T&I training and pedagogy in the digital era

  T&I practices in the digital era

  Multimodality in T&I practice, teaching and research

  Ethical issues in T&I

  T&I competence and assessment

  T&I education, professionalism and industry

  T&I distance practice and education

  MOOC courses, issues and challenges in T&I

  History of T&I education

  Training of T&I trainers

  We invite both individual presentations and panel proposals.

  I. Submission of Abstracts for Individual Presentations:

  Abstracts of 300-500 words including title for individual presentation (speaking length to be decided) should be sent by 15 July 2019 to gstisymposium2019@163.com. Author’s information page including title, brief bio, affiliation and email address should be sent as a separate attached file together with the abstract. Notification of acceptance will be given by 16 August 2019.                               

  II. Submission of Panel Proposals:

  Panel proposals should be submitted by 30 July 2019 to gstisymposium2019@163.com. Panel proposals should consist of

  a proposed title of panel

  a short outline of the panel / theme (150-200 words)

  name, affiliation and brief bio of the panel convener

  a list of presenters (if known)

  Panels should consist of 3 papers and discussions each (speaking length to be decided). Multiple panels on the same theme will also be considered.

  Notification of acceptance will be given by 23 August 2019.

  III. Registration as a Listener:

  For registration as a listener, your information should be sent by 31 August 2019 to gstisymposium2019@163.com.

  Working languages: English and Chinese.

  Important Dates

  Deadline for submission of abstract for individual presentation: 15 July 2019

  Notification of acceptation for individual presentation: 16 August 2019

  Deadline for submission of panel proposals: 30 July 2019

  Notification of acceptation for panel proposals: 23 August 2019

  Deadline for registration as a listener: 31 August 2019

  Participation Fee

  The seminar participation fee is 1,000 yuan per person.  Students are eligible for a 50% discount.

2019-04-23 17:17:27




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