






  征稿范围:包括但不限于全球政治中的中国、中国与世界经济、中国社会文化、 “一带一路”倡议




  Faculty of World Studies, in association with Iranian World Studies Association warmly invites manuscripts in any area of Chinese Studies for individual or joint papers for its First International Conference on Chinese Studies. Contributions addressing the conference special theme, “One Belt One Road Initiative”, are especially welcome.

  It is a clear intention of the organizers to put together a wide spectrum of the best research in Chinese Studies with both disciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches. The conference welcomes presentations in English, Persian and Chinese.

  The First International Conference on Chinese Studies welcomes papers in various domains of research including but not limited to the following themes.

  1. China in Global Politics

  China in Global Trends

  Chinese Foreign Policy

  Dynamics and Prospects of China-Iran Relations

  Global Powers vs. Regional Powers

  Discourse Studies

  China and the Middle East

  Public Diplomacy

  Security and Strategic Studies

  Chinese Model of Development: Practicing Democracy

  2. China: Sociocultural Perspectives

  Chinese Cultural Heritage

  Cultural Policy

  Comparative Studies in Sociocultural Domains

  Language and Education

  Chinese Model of Development: Sociocultural Aspects

  Intercultural Communication

  Linguistic Linkages

  3. China and World Economy

  Chinese Approach to Global Economy

  International Political Economy: Global vs. Regional Powers

  State-owned Enterprises

  Chinese Model of Development: Economic Causes

  International Currency


  China and the Developing Economies

  4. Special Theme: One Belt One Road Initiative

  Silk Road Economic Belt

  One Belt One Road: Implications for Iran

  The Role of Middle East

  Economic Contributions and Financial Institutions

  Beyond Economics: Sociocultural Domains of Collaboration

  Abstracts for individual papers should not exceed 250 words. Closing date for abstract submissions is 6 May, 2019.

  Please submit your abstract including paper title, authors’ affiliation and contact details, and a short bio (approx. 50 words) via our online submission system. You will need to register before submission. Participation at the First International Conference on Chinese Studies is not subject to registration fee; however, expenses related to travel, accommodation, transportation, and the like are not covered by the organizers.

  For further information or if you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.(点击文末阅读全文)


  Abstract Submission Deadline        2019-05-06

  Paper Submission Deadline           2019-05-27

  Conference Start Date               2019-06-08

  Conference End Date                 2019-06-09





  Address: Faculty of World Studies, Northern Campus, University of Tehran North Kargar Ave., Tehran, Iran.

  Website: https://fws.ut.ac.ir/en/

  Tel: +98-21-88630999

  Email: is.fws@ut.ac.ir

2019-04-17 09:25:14




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