



  1. 跨越差异的会话(Conversations across Differences)

  2. 比较的多样语言(Diverse Languages of Comparison)

  3. 文学、文化与时间之(非)可译性(Literary, Cultural, and Temporal (Un)Translatability)

  4. 比较文学的多重历史(The Multiple Histories of Comparative Literature)

  5. 正典、文体与媒介(Canons, Genres, and Media)

  6. 比较文学中的跨学科性(Interdisciplinarity in Comparative Literature)

  7. 跨越文化将文学理论化(Theorizing the Literary across Cultures)

  8. 世界文学和中国(World Literature and China)

  9. 东方视角下的全球人文学(Global Humanities from an Eastern Perspective)

  10. 中国文学研究的国际化(Internationalization of Chinese Literary Studies)

  11. 移民文学(Immigrant Literature)

  12. 东亚的信息流通: 新闻、小说和电子文本性(Circulation of Information in East Asia:

  Journalism, Fiction, and Electronic Textuality)

  13. 作为对抗话语的“华语语系”(The “Sinophone” as a Counterdiscourse)

  14. 当代东亚的回忆文学(Memoir Literature in East Asia in the Modern Period)

  15. 国际文学奖痴迷症:奖项对谁更重要?(The Obsession With International Literary Prizes: For Whom Is the Reward Important?)


  1.比较文学的边界与跨边界(The Boundaries and Cross-boundaries of Comparative Literature)

  2.比较文学变异学研究(The Variation Theory of Comparative Literature)

  3.比较文学变异学研究(研究生论坛)(The Variation Theory of Comparative Literature: Graduate Students’ Forum)

  4.东亚文学与跨界叙事(East Asian Literature and Transboundary Narrative)

  5.平行研究的方法论建构与跨学科对话(Methodological Construction and Interdisciplinary Dialogue in Parallel Studies)

  6.中国与世界:冲突与融合(China and the World: Confrontations and Fusions)

  7.比较文学与宗教研究:神圣与日常 (Comparative Literature and Religious Studies: The Sacred and the Everyday)

  8.国际汉学的传统与现代(The Traditional and the Modern of International Sinology)

  9.文学伦理学批评与跨学科、跨文类研究(Ethical Literary Criticism and Cross-generic and Interdisciplinary Studies)

  10.丝路文化与东方文学(Silk Road Culture and Oriental Literature)

  11.近代翻译与世界文学观念的形成(Modern Translation and the Construction of World Literature)

  12.文学人类学研究(Literary Anthropology Studies)

  13.民间与民族:世界少数族裔文学比较(The Folk and the Ethnic: Comparative Studies of World Minority and Ethnic Literature)

  14.海外/美国华裔文学研究(Overseas and American Chinese Literature Studies)

  15.跨文化的文学阐释(Towards a Cross-cultural Literary Interpretation: Case and Method)

  16.文学交流史叙述的观念与方法(The Narrative of Literary Exchange History: Ideas and Methods)

  17.比较文学视野下的非洲文学及非洲流散文学研究(African Literature and African Diaspora Literature: From the Perspective of Comparative Literature)

  18.比较文学视野下民族翻译研究(Ethnic Translation Studies from the Perspective of Comparative Literature)

  19.他者眼中的中国文学(Chinese Literature Through the Eyes of Others)

  20.文本、图像与文体的跨域分析(Cross-domain Analysis of Text, Image and Stylistic)

  21.变迁中的中国性:中国文化认同的跨国化 I/II(Chineseness in Flux: Transnationalizing Chinese Cultural Identities I/II)

  22.彼处、异域与此时︰差异的多重声音(The Other, the Exotic and the Present: Multi-layered Voices of Difference)




  2. 因会议期间是澳门旅游旺季,请您尽早预定宾馆。大会为研究生争取的学生宿舍信息最近即将公布,请随时关注网站更新信息。

  3. 优惠缴费日期已经延长至4月15日,请您尽快缴费注册。




2019-04-08 08:52:11




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