石舒清,本名田裕民,男,回族,1969年11月生于中国宁夏回族自治区,1989年毕业于宁夏固原师传英语系,当过数年中学英语教师。1999年,因为写作的原因,他被调到宁夏文联当专业作家。石舒清1988年开始文学写作,写作以短篇小说为主,已经出版短篇小说集《清水里的刀子》《伏天》《暗处的力量》等七部。1998年创作的短篇小说《清水里的刀子》获得第二届鲁迅文学奖;短篇小说《果院》《低保》两次获得《人民文学》奖;短篇小说《清洁的日子》《黄昏》获得第七、第八届《十月》文学奖;短篇小说《韭菜坪》获得第九届《上海文学》奖; 组诗《蓝火》获得2017年度《民族文学》诗歌奖;小说集《苦土》和《伏天》分别获得第五、第八届全国少数民族文学骏马奖;2008年,获得第11届庄重文文学奖。
关于石舒清的写作,李敬泽先生的一个说法切中肯綮,李敬泽先生说: “石舒清的文字具有一种僻静的精神资源。”
Shi Shuqing
Shi Shuqing, originally named Tian Yumin, is a male author of the Hui ethnicity. He was born in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in November of 1969. In 1989, he graduated from the English major at Ningxia's Guyuan Normal College, after which he became a middle school English teacher for several years. In 1999, his writing led him to be reassigned to the Ningxia Literary Federation to become a professional writer. Shi Shuqing began his writing mainly with small stories in 1988, and has since published seven small story collections, including Knife in the Clear Water, Dog Days, and Power in the Darkness. In 1998, he won the 2nd Lu Xun Literary Prize for writing the short story Knife in the Clear Water. His short stories Orchard andSubsistence won two People's Literature awards. The short stories Days of Purity and Dusk won the 7th and 8th Shiyue literary award. The short story Plain of Chives won the 9th Shanghai Literature Award. His collection of poems Blue Fire won the 2017 People's Literature Award for Poetry. His collections of short stories Bitter Earth and Dog Days won the 5th and 8th Junma Award for National Ethnic Minority Literature. In 2008, he won the 11th Zhuang Chongwen Prize for Literature.
Mr. Li Jingze said frankly of Shi Shuqing's work that "Shi Shuqing's writing possesses a pure spiritual source."
Negative, Subsistence, and Orchard are three of his main works. Negative is a novel in name, but is actually a collection of short stories. In it, Shi Shuqing writes about his homeland with a long piece, and about the decades of history with his family, neighbors, and the village. He describes each of the people and events that shaped his worldview and his personal philosophy. This novel was written in 2004, and could be said to be an emotional reflection on how his life and writing reached a certain phase. When writing this novel, he said he was always reminded of something the great French writer François Mauriac said, "When you truly lose yourself in writing everything about a village, you will find you could be writing about any village in the world." This was like a wake-up call that gave Shi Shuqing boundaries and discipline, but also strength and confidence. In Subsistence, he writes about survival and the joys and sorrows of life. In Orchard, he tells the story of a young, wealthy village woman, and some of the subtle reflections and secret urges she has when she's alone. These soul-stirring ideas don't reveal themselves beneath her calm and cool exterior. People pass through