White Dew(Bai Lu) is the 15th of the 24 solar terms. The White Dew arrives around September 8th every year, when the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 165 degrees.The temperature begins to decline gradually, and wild geese start their southward journey. The name of White Dew comes from that fact that crystal white dew can be seen on grass leaves and tree leaves in the morning. The period of White Dew has the greatest diurnal temperature variations. White Dew was divided into three pentads in ancient times. The first pentad was when the wild geese came; the second pentad was when the dark birds returned; and the last pentad started when birds stocked their hoards. “The wild geese come” refers to southward migration of the wild geese and “dark birds” in this case are swallows. Many migratory birds,including the wild geese and the swallows, begin to migrate to the south. “Hoard” means the store of food, and “stock their hoards” indicates they are in preparation for winter. In other words, birds start to stock food for the long winter.
Though the temperature can still reach above 30℃ on a sunny day, it tends to drop sharply by around 20℃ at night. The temperature difference between day and night is around 10℃ once White Dew arrives. At this time, people feel that the hot summer has been replaced by the cool autumn. Health experts suggest that there is typically autumn weather during White Dew period, which is characterized by dryness, therefore, autumn pathogenic dryness becomes the biggest threat to health.
An ancient Chinese proverb goes, “Take a shower during the 18-day period after Limit of Heat, but do not expose your skin once White Dew arrives”.It means, the weather is still hot in the following eighteen days after Limit of Heat, and people should take a shower every day, however, when White Dew arrives, the skin should not be exposed any more, since people may catch cold due to the cold temperature. There is another old saying in Chinese, “spotless white in White Dew, good harvest in Autumnal Equinox”, which indicates, the drops of dew during this period are a good sign for late rice to have a rich harvest.
White Dew is not highly placed in folk culture, compared with Summer Solstice, Winter Solstice, Vernal Equinox, and Autumnal Equinox.However, its folk customs are in rich variety.
Celebrating White Dew in Wenzhou, Zhejiang
There are varied customs associated with the celebration of White Dew in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province. In Cangnan, Pingyang and other local areas, people have a tradition of gathering “ten white herbs” (or “three white herbs”) on the first day of White Dew. People believe that stewing these herbal medicines with black-bone chicken with white feather (or duck) can reinforce energy and relieve arthritis. The “ten white herbs” are all named after “bai” (Chinese for white), such as Bai Mu Jin (Chinese for white rose-mallow) and Bai Mao Ku (Chinese for white ajuga), which correspond to White Dew (Bai Lu) literally.
Eating Longans in Fuzhou
There is a tradition in Fuzhou, Fujian Province that people should eat longans on the first day of White Dew. It is especially energy-reinforcing to eat longans on White Dew, as believed by the local residents. They believe that eating a longan on the particular day will benefit health as much as eating a chicken. Longans can help reinforce energy and benefit the spleen, while nourishing the blood and soothing the nerves. In addition, longans before White Dew are big with fairly small seeds, and have a sweet and rich flavor. Hence, it is quite beneficial to eat longans, for the fruit can help nourish the body. Therefore, eating longans is preserved as a tradition in Fuzhou.
Drinking White Dew Tea in Nanjing
Many tea lovers in Nanjing favor “White Dew Tea”. Tea during White Dew has been through the hot summer and is in its best state of growth. White Dew Tea is different from spring tea, which is usually too tender and does not last long. It is also different from summer tea, which is dry and has a bitter flavor. White Dew Tea tastes sweet with its strong scent favored by many tea lovers. In addition, the stock of tea collected in spring is greatly depleted.Therefore, tea lovers may send others to purchase White Dew Tea around this period.
Regimen during White Dew
Preventing Autumn Pathogenic Dryness
When autumn pathogenic dryness threatens people’s health and consumes body fluid, people have symptoms such as a dry throat with a bitter taste, constipation and dry skin. Most Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners believe these symptoms are caused by disorder in the interior and exterior relationship between the lung and the large intestine and the lung governing power of skin and hair. Nourishing the yin (cold) energy within the human body is a priority for healthy diets. At this point, the regimen should be adapted to the season. Autumn is associated with the lung, therefore, moistening and nourishing the lung is critical for preserving one’s health in White Dew period.
Acclimating to Autumn Cold
“The nights of White Dew and Autumnal Equinox are becoming colder night after night.” TCM experts suggest that White Dew signals the real beginning of cool weather, while people should protect their skin from exposure and from cold showers to prevent colds. In addition, after White Dew, rapid temperature fluctuations may trigger colds or other respiratory problems, especially the widening temperature gap between day and night. An excessive consumption of cold and raw foods can damage the function of the spleen and the stomach, leading to yang (warm) deficiency, which is especially harmful for the infirm who are weak in digestive function.
Promoting Hydration and Avoiding Medication
During White Dew period, people believe that the hot summer has gone and the cool autumn has come. Some start the TCM dietary therapy, while they are exposed to seasonal respiratory problems at the same time, such as allergic rhinitis, bronchitis and asthma. Hence, the dietary therapy should vary by individual. Especially for those with allergies that cause the above diseases, dietary intervention should be approached with great delicacy. It is recommended for the infirm to use dietary therapy rather than medication, while congee is especially suggested as a healthy diet.